LOTUS Tower Construction In Sri Lanka
This tower is the tallest highest structure in Sri Lanka, located in Colombo, Capital city of Sri Lanka. The height of the structure is 350m (1,154 ft). This is the tallest self supported structure I entire South Asia.
This is an investment made by EXIM Bank(China) with US$ 104.3 Million, The main purpose of this tower is to improve the digital infrastructure in the county. The construction work are planned to completed in the end of 2018.
This is a very beautiful tower, which will help the Sri
Lanka's economy as well. This will be the future icon of the Colombo. This
tower is visible from the any were in the Colombo city. This is a big
achievement of the Sri Lanka. This project comes under the city planning called
"Mega policies" of the Government. This will help to improve the
tourism industry in the country.
This premises will be consisting with as follows,
Ground floor
- Telecommunications museum
- Restaurant
The tower podium will consist of 6 floors
The first floor of the podium
A museum
Two exhibition halls
The second floor of the podium
The third floor of the podium
Food courts
The fourth floor of the podium
The fifth floor of the podium
The Sixth floor of the podium
The seventh floor of the podium
The surrounding of the lotus tower (landscaping) is planned to
construct a large water park.
We visited lotus tower while Construction is carried out. the photographs taken shown below.
Reference: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216252035802422&set=t.1498756616&type=3&theater